HOSTÉ 2008


Competition Other Visions is the one and only competition section of PAF – Festival of Film Animation. It aims to map out the field of moving images of film and video in the Czech Republic. By curated selections, it tries to enable the current domestic audiovisual production that find itself on the border line between fine arts, video art and animation to be more accessible and openly accepted by the public. Every year's selection has been unique thanks to the various interests of the curators who select ten nominated works. The main criteria for submission into competition are the premise that the work is possible to be screened in the cinema and is not older eighteen months. Both professional and amateur artists can submit their moving images.



MARTIN FIŠR an artist and curator, he is the leader of Šternberk Gallery which belongs among the most distinct places with a quality exhibitions of contemporary art.



ALENA BOIKA (BLR) an art critic and curator who lives in Prague and Moscow, she is an editor of the Russian version of the Umělec (Artist) magazine.

MARTIN BLAŽÍČEK (CZ) a fi lm maker and dramaturgist who occupies himself with forms of "live cinema", his theoretical specialization is the Expanded cinema era. Presently, he studies the graduant programme at FAMU in Prague.

DERMOT CORRIGAN (IR) an Irish writer and journalist, he contributes to the following periodicals: Filmmaker Magazine (USA), an internet daily Sunday Business Post (IR), When Saturday Comes (VB) and Backpacker (IR).




Daniela Baráčková: KUNG FU PANDA | 2008 | 2:43 mins

....No, you just have to believe! Promise me, Shifu, just promise you'll believe. I'll try.... Perhaps it is the central dialogue of this year's animation hit called Kung fu Panda that will certainly remain in the hearts of the audience. Some may even spread about the teachings of the master Oogway..

Josef Bolf: THE DINING ROOM | 2008 | 10:07 mins

The painter Josef Bolf supplies the world with the paintings full of pain and loneliness. If we fi nd a group of characters in his painting, it it sure that they are present only to stress the sorrow and loneliness. In the video called The Dining Room these pictures become alive and attack with an unusual intensity. Something from Trnka: Untreated wounds don't heal, treated wounds change us.

Lukáš Hájek: GULLIVER IN THE WORLD OF PYGMEYS | 2008 | 6:40 mins

"A fairy tale form slide fi lm (1957) converted into pixilation animation". Human and computer. Sometimes amongst pygmey, but usually amongst giants. Screensaver is another brainwashing device.

Pash*: MOONWALK | 2008 | 2:20 mins

A meditative variations of the graphic background of internet interface and the context of pop-music. "Youtube recently changed its design and added one button to the playbar, which actually screwed it all."

Pavla Sceránková: UMZUG – STOLIČKA, STOLOVANIE, STOL | 2007 | 1:00 mins

Bauhaus /Ikea/ Houdini. Functional furniture. Just have a sit, it may even pack itself and leave. If you need it again, it will come back. Soul hygiene. You don't have to live in a small fl at to feel the gentle touch of video.

Patrick Sedlaczek: DER STAND DER STURM (State of Storm) | 2008 | 14:22 mins

Some photographs are blessed. They have the ability to narrate. Video – image – photograph, the recording of endurance, the building of discomposure, in fact a form of suspended picture. The nightwatch.

Ivan Svoboda: FLAT NO. 20 | 2008 | 10:08 mins

The story of the telescreen transformation in a German fl at. Ivan Svoboda systematically cultivates his subtitles and photographs, which progressively substitutes the staging and sound of his shots.

Roman Štětina: MORSE CODE | 2008 | 0:59 mins

The recording of a sound composition – supposedly a tune, the very short video of unfulfi led expectations. Seemingly a wasted minute.

Pavel Švec: IN A NUTSHELL| 2008 | 11:30 mins

The sequel of the loose Space trilogy created by Pavel Švec is an intergalactic odyssey. This time, there's also a scientist, a space shuttle, planets and a tragedy.

Viktor Takáč: ... ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT FUTURE CONTINUES IN THE PAST? | 2008 | 1:40 mins

The fascination with geometric construction of space with the use of video is present in the whole Viktor Takač's production. Now he uses a realistic image retrieved by the circular movement and a structure of the enchanted triangle drawn inside it.





Aktivity PAFu v roce 2019 podpořili: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Státní fond kinematografie, Statutární město Olomouc a Olomoucký kraj a Praha 7.

Více v sekci Partneři